Monday, October 22, 2012

Flying in Portugal

Olà minha familia!
How is life flying out in the word of Earth? This is your fighter Pilot Elder Brooksby reporting in from Baixa Da Banheira, Portugal. 
Well Ill start off with a breif update on the events that rocked my week.
Firstly and Upmostly:
XXXX WAS BAPTISED!!!!!!! I am IN LOVE with this lady! She is a super strong spirit child of our Heavenly Father. I mean wow she is awesome! Her baptism was my favorite of all times and Im just going to tell you a little about it.

So Elder Diaz was sick the first of the week tuesday and wednesday and I was with elder quimwanga in the others elders areas doing divisions. We didnt get to pass by XXXX until the end of the week (friday) we had been praying hard for when she needed to be baptised and felt strongly that this week was it. Running short on time we got to her house and felt like something was wrong.
Diverting from our planned lesson elder diaz and I follow what we hoped to be the spirit as we asked some very specific questions and ended up getting what the Lord needed us to get from her. Her situation is one very sad. I cant go into details but her husband is in a place where he cant leave of his own free will. She has been alone without work and anyone to help her for the last 3 months, selling little things here and there to make it by. What you all need to know about her is that she is always happy and smiling! I mean always! When she feels the spirit she just SMILES. Always smiling. BUt when we got there Ive never seen her so forced into a smile in my life. We asked her and she controlling tears she told us everything. 

Ill just say It was the first time after that story I felt my Gift of reading people kick into Ninja-High-Spirit-Mode. I told her the future and how I knew how she really was feeling and the questions she really had. It was insane. Ive never felt so power packed in my life. Elder Diaz was right there with me. There is a scripture in the book of 3rd nephi that talks about the Prophet Nephi I wana share  Helamen 11:19 "And behold, Lehi, his brother, was not a awhit behind him as to things pertaining to righteousness."
Elder Diaz is Comp to the end of the world. He is my Uncle lance. I love this man.

SO yeah. IT was an awesome lesson where at the end we asked her to pray for what day to be baptised. She felt that the same day we felt. And she was baptised. It was awesome.

Michael, My best friend here  (see pics) baptised her. He was on fire after that. We three were. Incircled about by pilars of fire. (Read Helamen 5)

After the baptisem we went to teach a lesson together and basically made it all up. After the lesson it was so powerful we named it our Lesson "Jesus Christ". (Lesson 0 was another thing made up by us haha)

Gods hand is shown everyday in this work. We ALWAYS have to sharpen our sword and be worth for the spirit to electrify us as we teach. If you first learn about Christ, then Teach of Him. The spirit doesnt need to cover the points you miss. He can testify of Each Point You Teach.


Its about my time to get off and head out to buy food. As of this week Its not safe to send letters (end of xfer) PS Treys letter hangs at the front of my bed haha. Tanners too.

Love you all
Elder Brooksby

Monday, October 8, 2012

I about killled everyone in my ward with a heartattack as I heard the news about the age changes!
To allow our Eliets to go forth as they are ready. I cant say or express my heart enough. TREY MY MAN. TAKE IT, ITS YOURS! Its the best thing in the world. THE LORD HEARD MY CALL. JOIN ME IN THE FIGHT!
"And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor adiligently; for if we should cease to blabor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God"!

Side note: Trey you have to get an answer from God. Gotta go ask Him for the call. I know He is waiting for you. We´ve been shining our armor since we were elves :D

Another Side note to Jennifer: All I can say is. WRITE ME A LETTER! Im going to write you today!!! Sorry I havent until now!!

Another Side note I printed off all the emails and will read them and write letters today.

Amazaing week of Elder Diaz and I sick in Bed. Haha It was pretty bad. We got thrown down. 
But were better now. Infused with the power of God :D This will always be a week to remember.

Redeveloped our 1st lesson and Our "Lesson 0" (basically a lesson on the doctrine of christ alma 31) ans started teaching groups of people in the streets with great scucess and failure :P Our zone leaders called this morning demanding to know what we were doing to be getting the numbers were pulling in. We explained how we redid the lesson and the teaching of "lesson 0" and they asked us to write it all down and present it to the President of the Mission. Basically we followed their teachings at the conference and changed what we were doing... It wasnt anything we though to be huge. But its turing out to be really cool.

One of my fav people here in portugal is going ot be baptised this next week (God Willing). Sissy is a single mom with two childrren and a love for learnining. She is amazaing.

Well This General Conf was awesome. We got to see 3 1/2 of the 5 sessions and they were all amazing... Ive never felt closer to GOd or the Savior in my life. But Ill save the Testimony of our prophets for the investigators ;) You all just need to know I know this is Gods directed church. By Christ Himself. To the Prophets to the hearts of our children.

Wow I just have nothing to say anymore. I love the mission and I dont plan on leaving for a good lifetime. Its an amazing work and we must take pride in the Goly of our Savoir.

Growing close to Christ is by knowledge of Him. Study His life. Study the Basic Priciples. He has all we need.

Well Im going to send this off and maybe thing of more to write later.

Fogo and Fighting!
Elder Brooksby.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bom Dia! At the Beach? NOOOOO!

Bom Dia!
Today I am planning a relaxing day on the beach... JUST KIDDING.
Were running like crazy this morning to do everythihin so we can just get home and relax a little... haha I dont know where our logic is but IT MAKES SENCE OK!? :P

This week was like a week of utilities. We had a conference witht he President and that was amazing. Had a outting too LIsboa to take care of papers and the most fun part of the week... Cleaning the Chappel with the members!!! (story to follow).

Just gonna say that I am doing really well in all aspects of my mission right now, as far as Phisically Menally and SPiritually. I have a LONG ways to go still and I am learning so much more everyday but for now I jsut want you all to know that I am happy and I am having fun :) really loving it out here :)

Ok now that you know that I just want to say FOGO!
Its been a kick butt trandsfer with Elder Diaz and we are having a ton of fun with our Ward. They really are the light of my life and Im doing my best to bring others to know how cool they are and how cool they can be.

(Story time)
The Boys Together Again!
This weekend was the anual clean the church before general conference shin-dig. We did our studies until 10:30 and headed out all ready to kick the dirt monsters butts. 
With lots of elbow greace we started in on cleaning EVERYTHING. Waxing the floor. Lawncare. Drains. Bathrooms. Toilets. EVERYTHING. YOu all know.. when I say the word everything... It usually means most everything. but. When I CAPITILISE It. You KNOW. I Mean EVERYTHING!
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah we had about 10 members there (that was a little sad) and us 4 missionaries. After 2 hours half of everyone left (including the other two missionaries) and went home because they were tired and had other stuff to do. Basically it was the bishops family and 3 other memebrs + Elder Diaz and I. 
Project Mode slammed into high gear for me I cant lie and I started barking orders and we started flying thru work. It was pretty funny to see everyone scrambling around trying to understand what I was trying to say in Portugês without knowing really well how to say mop or broom or AHHH STOP SPRAYING ME WITH WATER!.

Just kidding We were good little elders and follow the directions of the Bishop and the other members. You could tell they were tired but we just keept smiling and playing music off my player (MOm.. I love that thing) Church songs in English are so funny ot hear from Portugês people hahahaha.

At the end of the day we finished up at about 7 and were all really tired. Elder Diaz and I ran home showered and changed then went out to teach a few lessons. We stopped by the church as The wife of the bishop and another member were finsihing the waxing of the floor. they saw us dressed again and back out to work and I saw the relief on their faces.

We are here working for them and they knew it. I really love my area and my friends Ive found here... I never want to leave them.

So yeah I am really loving it out here. I feel like its been forever since writing you all.

I am a little worried about myself progression at times. I dont want to get stuck in a rut. I really need to rely on the Lord to help me as I move through this time In my life. He has literally expanded my view and like I always said. I feel like I can take a lot more energy trandsfer then before (this is to you Dad).

YOur letters inspire me and remind me what I have to share withothers. Its an importaint and crucial part to always remember for who and why this Gosple was created.

Nephi said often, and I love this and love him, cant rely on the flesh of the man. its gotta be coming from our Lord and Savior. At times we dont understand whats really going on around us. Just gotta stay worthy to let him work through us.

My eyes water my pillow by night as I dream of the people I love who are yet to come to the fold of Our God. 
I love Him. I want people to feel that love I and He has for them. I cannot discribe how heart-breaking it is to see someone outside of this Church.

Ill save my emotions and thoughts for anther day though. :) Just know I love you all and when I say all I usually mean almost all. But in this case Ill just say I love you ALL.

Èlder Brooksby

Monday, September 24, 2012

Òla Familía!
Hey so I printed off everyones messages today so I can read them and write a letter back to each one of you! :) Except you mom, I read yours and laugheed for 15 mins straight. hahaha It was an amazing trip :)

So I am doing well :) The weeks are rollercoasters of ups and downs but always when we get to the end of the week we are smiling and Happy.

The Ruinion of Elder Diaz and I has been a Life changing exp. I really love this Elder. 
WE have so much fun together trying as greenies to figure out how to work most efficiant as possible. At times we are really really down because of how much we feel like we are lacking, and others we are practically floating back to the apartment on a spiritual high.

This week an experiance I really loved with him was the Baptism of two more children of God :)

Keila and Abdulay.
(Pictures coming in letters.. or if not, when I send the SD)
XXXX: was a reference of the Sisters in Setûbal and she was practally hand carved by the Lord ready for baptism. We taught her litterally 1 time and she was commited to baptism. LIttle did we know she has been going to church since she was 5 but never felt the need for baptism. Then moved to our area. Elder Diaz and I challenged her to baptism on the 2nd visit and she said accepted! It was a really cool thing for us we thought, then we found out her story and it became even more amazing!
XXXXXXX: an 28 year old who drank and smokes. literally his was a convertion through the power of the spirit. we taught him every time in the church and each time he wanted to come back and learn and feel more. He really is fgeeling the power, we´ve just gotta help him hold on to it.

We are changing how we work. Too often we sit in a meeting and talk about 10000 people who were baptised and fell away. Our goal is to really help the children of men find and stay with our Savior. Families are our work now. Its much more different a work but.. Its worth it and I feel so much more power as I actually help people change thier lives. Ive still got a lot to learn.

Man my time flew by this week. ive got 9 mins left.

Just wanted to say that I am still just starting too see how important this work is too me. HOw much I am being shaped different then I could have ever thought. Your get your eyes pulled out and God lets you see with his. Not much is cooler.

I have re-occoring nightmares of going home... Ill write about em maybe.

I love you all so much and wish I had more time to tell you individually how much I think of you.
As an Èlder we are litterally the Followers of Christ. Im learning more about him everyday and the more I learn the more I understand how little I know. I am a baby with the sword of an Everlasting God. Hopefully Elder Diaz and I can get to the buttkickin of the devil a little faster.

5 mins.

Still needs trevs address, if you got it bro, shoot it too me.

I about died with the story of Safara, that crazy puppy. Give her a hug and kiss for me.

Here in portugal we always say "hug hug, kiss kiss" on the phone when we hangup :P :)

Hug Hug, Kiss Kiss

Elder BRooksby

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Everythign is going... GR..

Everythign is going... GR..
Pretty hard.
We had 4 of our most loved people fall out of baptism this weekend.. dad has the stories on them..
Baptisms. Hahaha. I hate how numbers are attached to them. The people are changing thier lives. and Helping me see how wonderful our Fathers plan in for us. Im never going to be able to give back what Ive been given. I sure am getting pretty tired as I try though :)

My Comp is "dying" this week. Going home to canada. So were pretty much just trying to make it to next Pday alive and well :P
Oh! Trandsfers are this week. I probably wont get moved so I think its chill to send letters. My Area is BOmb. com. I love it.

Hmmm whats on my mind. Yesterday I fell asleep after church as we were cooking lunch. I passed out on my bed. when I woke up I felt better but still.. pretty disconnected because of how... ahh I cant say my feelings in english on this one. I felt faulta. Basically I felt something missing in me because of our loved family who were held back from Eternal Life.. Fogo. I.. gr.. sigh. Its been a hard 3 days.

I destroid my feet. I can walk allday without pain. Soon as I get home I cant hardly walk haha. Blessings of the work no doubt about it.

Starting to realise how mucfh our testimony grows as we put it to the test. Im (throught the help of the Lord) able to develop more faith in a living prophet, Joseph Smith, Our Lord and Savior, and our Heavenly Father. 

Really you need to get out there and share what you know. Don´t think you have a testimony. Know you do. By Sharing and Growing with others. I only say it becuase its been kicking my butt lately :P ;P

Okay Ive got 8 mins left and My head hurts from english. I need to learn how to speak portugese better its suffering at the hands of my comp who speaks spanish and Eglish Hahaha

Hmmm... I guess thats what Ive got for you all. Im getting bigger. Eating a ton of food. Doing excercizes at times.. hahaha but.. its so hard not to eat here.. its all so good. hahah. Im bringing you all back with me after :) :)

In all reality I love the mission, My mission. Ups and Downs sure. But like Alma says to helaman the joy you feel makes you forget the pain.

One last word of warning.
Don´t fall into the thought of not reading your scriptures everyday. Im not joking I tell you all this in the spirit of warning. If you arent reading and praying everyday I am pleading with you right now to pick up the Book of Mormon and K

Love you all more then the Food here! 
Elder Brooksby

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I forgot what week it is. Woah

Wow Im feeling pretty humble right now,
This week we had a miracle. A Lessactive family we have been working our butts off with, decided it was time to return to church. We had the opportunit to baptise the youngest girl of the clan and then came the miracle.

They have cousins who listened to the lesson with us and loved them. But their parents arent ever home and we never had the change to meet them. After marking the Youngest girl Tania for baptism and her grandma (this weekend she will be baptised or next) the two girls went home to thier mom with the book of Mormon and started to read every night.

They are so amazing. They have read more diligently then anyone I know here in portugal. Every morning and night and sometimes they just read for fun in the day. They really were amazing little girls. Elder F didnt want to think about baptism because they dont have support to stay active. Understandable. But we said a prayer of faith and went on with the week.

The morning of the baptism of Tania we get a phone call.These two girls have asked thier mom to let them be baptised and join the church (they go every sunday for 4 weeks now :)) we were shocked. we ran to the store and bought a drinks and cake and then went and interviewed them with thier mom.

Elder F didawesome. He slammed down on the importance of Mothers going to church with Children and showing them how they need to grow up. This mom was hit like a brick wall when we testified of personal exp in uor lives that church has made. Even at the age of 9. She comitted to start coming to church with them (after work people work 1 month on 1 month off sometimes) so she will be Baptised I hop/have faith.

This saturday had 3 baptisms! That makes 5 souls brought into an enternal family of our Father.

2nd Nephi 2:30.
Take 2 mins and read this scripture. It was the answer to my question (ill write you the question)

But yeah, all is going really well. Im starting to learn to hold my tounge a little more. Its not what we eat that makes us unworthy to be Gods servants. Its what we say. Im learning to not say anything unless its going to be what the Savior would have me say. Key word here is Learning :PPP Im also failing at it most times haha. I like to do everything excat to the rules and sometimes others dont. But we all do our own things wrong and my goal is getting the moat outta my eye :P ;)

Everyone here is really awesome. Our missionaries are hard workers. I was on splits with another of the Misisonaries and I realised how blessed I am to have a comp who, even though is feeling a little trunky, works hard to baptise!!

We´ve been blessed even with our faults. Which leads me to what we learned in Church.

Its not our work. Its the Lords. So... Its because of him that we have batisms at all.

its funny.. I´ve felt the most down about my unworthyness and imperfections the weeks weve baptised the most. I have so much to change. pray for me this week! Im feeling the pressure.

Love you all so much.

Elder Brooksby

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wha wha wha WHAT?! Elder Brooksby Throws down!

that's RIGHT!

Ending of the 6th Inning here in Portugal and wouldn't you know it?! MIRACLES!
If you look at the pictures now Im sure you already know. Sheila and Jussy :) I had the privilege of baptising two of Gods most precious daughters :) My first and 2nd baptisms on the Mission here in portugal.

I am going to send a letter talking about them but Im going to review here also :)

Sheila: We found her on the street, one day we saw her and bam spirit hit. Talk to her. We went. She was waiting for her mom too carry somthing so we offered service and carried some fruit and other stuff to their house (a trick i learn from an old fart:)daddy ).

After getting her number we inveted to church and she.. accepted! (little did we know....)
She attended church in which all the member shunned her and no one was talking to her the first hour (relief soc) 2nd hour she tried to leave but thanks to my fast talking comp elder F. we got her to stay for precepts of gosple. which she loved. Then sacrament was testimony meeting. More or less three members talked and were way longggg so it was way bad for our investigators (this is week 2 of portugal BTW)

Anyways she left after church and we thought nothing more then to pas by another day. But I had a good feeling about her. (thanks to the Lord, were nothing without him)
So tuesday we get a text from her to come visit the next day and explain. 


She slammed us, so hard. She tested us of knowledge of the Gosple for a good hour before slamming each member there and really going into it.! Elder F and I were totally chill though. (thanhks to the Lord) and we shared our testimonies. And the Restoration. From then on we had HASH out sessions with her 3 times where with each lesson she gave us the hardest doctrine to talk about, all which we refer back to the simple and plain of the Gosple of Christ. It was awesome.
Abraham 3:22-23 is what i was so impressed to tell her. So i did. In the end After telling us she was going to leave the church and not hear more. I said "Sheila... I have a question.." the spirit was burning me up like mad and she just yelled "OKAY! Ill be Baptised!!´" we were so shocked after that! Just like... Srsly?! Hahah we were so happy! But Satan always tries us and her, problems came and went and she is a strong member here now :) (Not memeber yet, gets Gift of the spirit next week)

Jussy: sister of Sheila. Miracle. Meet her last sunday and taught all the lessons until thrusday, asked her to be baptsied this sunday and she accepted after a personal testimony of Elder F and I. Was amazing. And REALLY hard work! 

SO much stress to baptise people!! Hahahahaha so many thing go wrong and try their faith right at the beginnig but we got through it all and they are thee two funniest girls and Noble and Great. I love them!

Other then that, I DONT KNOW! Haha Xfers are at 5 today so I will send an email to let you all know if I leave or stay :) I hope i stay.

We have a family of 5 that we pray will be baptised this week, following with another couple of 2 (with faith) and when we have baptisms we use the new memebers to find more people to teach, thats our focus this week. HIT IT HARD! My mind was blown yesterday after baptising two people and running around like crazy! But its going great here and I love it.

I now realise how much # of baptisms doesnt matter... hahahah funny as it is to say, its so true.

Im getting used to the life out here and I almost called the Mission presedent to extennd but.. too soon? hahahah JK

Im a pretty tough person to get along with. I want to do everything 100% and dont know where the line/boundaries are, so I always ask or secound guess my comp. I need to get better..


Q/A Time is NEXT WEEK! Please prepare a list of questions about areas and mission and favoirte people ect for me so I can anser all the things! hhahamy brain is toast after reading all your emails! (Toasted with love and Affection;) )

Hmmm Anything more... 
Manuel is no longer speaking with us so thats a dead end :(
24 Inactive is going good, found her dad and tought plan of salvation, just need them to really feel the will to go to church. Theyre lazy :P hehe jkjk

Money here is sparce but we get by! :D I budget like a mad man ;)

So many blessing and so much to tell! The mission is hard and when its hard, sometimes I lose that Drive  to speak, I dont have time to! Only time to get from point A to B everyday and all teh way to Z ahah

Okay Love you all! Look for my email later! and Im sending a pretty cool thing your way this week fambam :)

Love you all!

Elder Brooksby

P.S. Record Breaking Again: 11 People at churhc!! Haha woot!!

Hey Loves!Staying in my area :) Souse the same address!
W same comp :)
Love you all !!!

Elder Brooksby

Monday, July 23, 2012

LIterally. Bases LOADED!

We had a record breaking amount of people at church this sunday, so many that we had to open the doors into the primary and people sat there!! It was AMAZING!!


It happend to be the same sunday that I was to give a talk.....     


Hahahahaha so yestderday(sun) I gace my first talk in portugese! to ov er 80 people (in portugal... thats insaine). It was a blast! I felt so guided by the spirit as our topic was every member a missionary, I was last up to speak.

the first two were how and what we needed to say, the usual dont be afraid and follow the spirit scriptures that give a great base for the people of the ward (10 investigators of ours 1(recent convert got the holy ghost today) of the other dupla).

After a hymn it was my turn... I wasnt nervous.. I felt like I was on fire. I got up the the stand and instantly felt the spirit hit me so hard, everyone was kinda getting to the point of sleep and I wasnt going to have that... so BAM told a joke that had them all on their toes (about my portugese) and after that it just... flew.
I had a really strong impression during the week about abraham 3 22-23. Its been roilling in my head for days and It came out for this talk. Each member of our church here is a noble and great one. Each has a speciality that they can share with their freinds.. I sincerly told them how much I needed their help and without them Our work is nothing. I love our ward here so much. I couldnt help but smile so big while I spoke. There came a point where I stopped smiling to bare testimony of what I had said, one of our new investigators who asked why we need to go to church was there, I looked up and saw a glow in her eyes. It touched my heart. That she... that we all.. never understand why we do what we do.. but that what we do is what God asks us. And after we have faith and do it... He blesses us with a peace that we cannot replace..

I know that this Church is true. Pure and Simple :) Love it.

That same investigator (family of 5) came up to us after and told us we didnt need to repond to her question of why church is important... she knows. Marinanna :)

Work is hard! this week was tough and we were pretty down. Working with lessactive to get more to church and stay with little fruits. This world we live in is pretty tough on familias.

Speaking of, I LOVE YOU GUYS :):) I wish I could tour my area with you all and show you everything and everyone! I love my area and Xfers are in 1 week, so no letters until then Ill know! (xfers are 6 weeks long)

Also a cool thing I forgot to say, our mission is 30 mins ahead, its really light at night so we get up at 7 and bed at 11. so if you get a letter marked with a time i should be sleeping in another mission.. dont worry ;) Im keeping all the rules hehe :) I cant offord not too!!

Were always super blessed here in mission Portugal. It is literally the best mission in the world. You couldnt convince me otherwise:)))||!!!!!!!

LOve it out here and Love the people!

My Comp goes home in 7 weeks and is getting trunky as heck, Im trying to motivate him and that but honestly its the Lord who slaps us around when we need to be reminded! ahaha he is the (not really trunky he is just next to me so Im being a jerk hahahaha ;) )

Okay that about does it! Wish me luck and were going to baptise!!!!

Love you all!
Elder Brooksby

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Amazing time for Elder Brooksby

Fica com mias tempo hoje! Já ler todos suas emails e cada uma foi optimal!
I have some time today! :) Many great emails brief and Inspiring, Thank you all :D
Its funny to write in portugese :P I dont feel like its a real language when I write it hahaha.
So.. wow. This week had some ups and downs thats for sure! But First lest start with a general Elder Brooksby Update!! :)
So each week I have a Major question rolling around in my head usually comes about tuesday or sometimes even the night of Pday while we are working.
Each week I look back at the previos and notice the differences and try to write them in my journal or on my notethoughtbookthing :P
I dont wana tell you everything about it but to say the least I feel like a crappy missionary! :P
This week was the first time I was in charge. My comp had to do splits for an interview and I was left with the other elder in Our Area! It was pretty... interesting hahahah
I wasnt scared!! TO start off with a little nervous to navigate the winding dusty roads alone but I was well equiped with maps andaddresses so all was well!
........... Or so I thought...............
I had no IDEA what all my trainer has been doing for me! Wow! To navigate house to house, make decisions, pray for inspiration where to go, who to pass by, My mind was blown with how much work It took just to get from place too place!
Now, all of you know me. When I want to get something done, I dont wait around. So we hit all our appointments right on time and with all the força i could pull outta my body to show how great a missionary I was to this other Elder...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA God knows me a little more then I guessed.
Each and everyone of of appointments fell out. Doors were even slammed in our faces.
And most dissapointing of all... Manuel is no longer going to speak with us...
I was crushed.
His Uncle talked to him and told him all this false info about the church, then told him if he wanted to continue talking with us he would need to leave his house and find a new place to live.
Manuel is 33 years old and here in portugal only for Phisical therapy (2months) so he chose to discontinue talking with us.
It felt like a defeating blow... The Advisary had worked hard to counteract years of preperation of this Amazing man...
I didn´t know what I could have done better. TO make it worse Elder Figerido wasnt there to help. He fights like a Lion for our investigators when they face adversity and I had to do my best to follow his example in love.
/break in the story/ I just want you all to know that I am happy here in portugal and that when I tell you of a big let down I want to tell you all of something that I´ve learned here. Joseph Smith is an amazing man. WHile reading the book of Mormon and the D&C, I replace my name with his or other prophet/missionaries of old. In particular missionaries and stories about people being humbled :P ;) so... when Joseph recived the revalation after asking our Father in Heaven "where art thou?...." The Lords response to Joseph is true to EVERY Single one of us... I know that. /back to the story/ :)
well... we tried to pass by a woman who is marked for baptism but she was pretty scantily dressed so we prayed and hi-tailed it outta there :P
at that point in the day I was in shock. I was so afraid and alone and litterally my brain had run outta of everything I could think of...
6:00PM - Prayer for the mission. Elder Ericksson and I sat down for the prayer to bless the mission.
With a heavy heart and a mind empty of all thoughts and feelings I began to offer a prayer for the mission. which turned into a prayer for me in particular to this mission here in portugal. I was feeling pretty down and expressed this to my Father. He listend to me while I told him about what happend during the day then when I was through.. he taught me.
In our moments of great dispare and when our minds are blank. When we have nothing left to lose or even try. He takes out a what I imagine to be a Blue Marker and writes a few simple things on our white washed boards of our minds. He writes the things that make us grow.
That night I learned how to be a better missionary. I was filled to the tippy top of my body with a feeling I cannot sit here and discribe to you. It stung my eyes and warmed my soul so much that I couldn´t help but smile.~
Not long after this I felt the spirit take over what was a very frail boy at that point. I had a plan, not sure where it came from or why I felt the way I did but I did.
We found 6 new investigators, contacted 4 less active members, shared experiances with them that touched both us and them, even to the spirit coming so abondantly that I wasnt thinking about Manuel. Only what was to come.
Now I will say this. I havent baptised anyone yet. Sooo all this work is good and dandy but Nay Nay Nay I will bring my heavenly fathers Children back to him! Missionary work is Baptisms. If you dont baptie, get back to work. Thats our old Mission pres statement and Its what we stick too.
The rest of the night was a fire of following the spirit unto finding many souls. We returned to the house completing the impossible goal of 6 new investigators in only 3 hours. Literally a Miracle. Each one we felt the spirit enter and exit with us. Each one I will return to and strive to live worthy of the spirit I felt that night.
Now, the other elders dont know what happend. Only that I had a bad start and then "changed".
I know see how missionaries glow.
Its not because they know the language. Its not becuase they are a ZL or Assistant. Its not because they´ve had 1year 23 months on the mission.
Its because they opened their minds to the Savior and were worthy and Diligent in following his commandments.
Trust not in the arm of flesh. It makes you a great robot missionary who can baptise every so often.
Trust in the Lord. A Concept that Nephi knew all too well.
He once (or twice) said "oh how weak a man I am!" we are all so weak compared to our Savior. I am so week each morning when the Alarm goes off.
But he called us.... and when he calles us to a work. Hes ether going to help us, or teach us how to do it his way. If we listen :)
Man I feel like this was a long boring letter so on the upside!
The Bakerys here are AMAZING. 1 euro for like a million things and they´re alllllll SO bad for you!! hahah I love it!!
Anyways! I Gtg :) Love you all!
Elder Brooksby

Sorry Last Week Letter!

We get 1 hours to email and it took me 30 mins to read all of them!!! THANK YOU!! :))

So first off, YEAH BUDDY! Great week!! I survived. In fact. I did more then survive. I Had a blast and taught the word of God to a Nation in need! It was a great week.

So IM going to start with the downs first and then move to ups (if they can be called downs):
First Manuel didnt come to church this sunday... :( I was on divisions to help another elder and when I got to church i looked all over not to find him. sigh... i was bummed. but we called him and he was at the hospital for therapy (his leg is pretty messed up) but were meeting with him this week and he is praying for a date we are going to baptise him (this sunday we pray).

2nd is fought a little with my comp, he is pretty chill but when i have an idea to do something I am the "babe" (Baby) so I need to shut up. Finally one day I had enough, an impression that we need to knock doors at a specific place and NOW. So I asked him lets go knock over there? he was like "dont you wanna follow our schedle???!!! why do we make it if you wana do something differant" (we wrote down names of people to try to visit and teach, not much of a schedual :P) but i was like look, i know i suck at this missionary thing... but I know we need to go there. He threw a moster rage fit but I felt the spirit confirm what we needed to do. So i dragged him there....... 2nd door we knocked on... opens to a less activfe 24 yr old woman who with open arms listens as i give an "by the spirit" lesson about ether 12 : 4. how we need the rock of the Savior in our lives. She was hit pretty hard and told us her story. We got a refrence for a nonmemeber (her father) and she is going to meet with us again and start attending church.
I walked away from the door smiling my face off. and my companion told me I needed to let him talk more during that lesson (hehehe... I know portugese... a little... Only through the Lords help though!! Neveerrrr Forget that!!) he apologized and we went to another Woman in the area and had a well awesome lesson and next time we are setting a date for baptism. :)

I have faith for these people we work with to recive the gosple and change. I know its hard. Change is hard. REALLY HARD. Here in portyugal if you dont drink you are pretty much a joke and immorality isnt even thought of as a sin. But The Lord Prepares people and we find them. It,s up to us to teach with the spirit and them to accept. But mostly us :P :)) :D

Pedro. The Investigator w cancer. We visited and wow another 2 hours later and a blessing he was litearally bouncing around his house and wow he is amazing. The power of the priesthood is killing it in that home and they love us! HE jsut started Kimo so its hard to get them to Church but we have faith. They do too :))

D\C sectoin 3. Read it and substitute Josph Smith for Elder Brooksby (Your Name). God gives us gifts and expeects us to use them for good. I had a sweet one. dissernment. but after bragging about it and showing off. I dont have it anymore(during the MTC week 4 until now)... Its really rough. But IM proud to say I dont have it anymore because I know God is changing me to recognise what I do have. Today after reading the sections 3-5 I had an overwhelming spirit of relief and comfort. immediatly after i felt that familiar prompting ive had through my life return. I am so greatful for everything the Lord Gives me. You, my family and friends, and for your love and support :)

I sent a few letters this week so hope you get them :)

TREVAR WEIGHT: Send me your address broskii and your parents emails!! Lov eyou man. thanks for the emails they are my Iron rod in the mission right now.

Sarah: Loved your emails too and your letter. I got it right after finishing with emails so I didnt mention it in my email but wrote you back! :)seriously the coolest things you included and they are looked at we say here in portugal Força!! ;):)

Haley: Write stories in a notebook and use it to rememeber what to write home!! Im going to write you a letter today <3 Love you!
I draw power from you in the MTC and cant wait to hear about your first few weeks.

Mom: WOW Loved the emails. I cant tell you how much they make me smile and give me something to stand tall for when the days are long. LIterally when I think of you and Dad. I straighten my back, broaden my shoulders, smile, and run up the next flight of stairs!! ... then I get to the top and wish i hadnt done that... laugh at myself and go on with the day ;) XD :))

Dad: You are Fantastic!! I am sooo glad to hear youve got the fav 5 now hahah I litaearlly screamed yes!! (okay.. no i didnt... :P)

Alrighty packeges mom. Send it to the mission address and incude little things you know i like! Food needs to be nonparishable if you put it in :)) pictures frames cheap and little momentos. (Sarah knows cool stuff) ;) <3

OKAY ROCK ON MY FAMILY!!! BEST WEEK OF MY MISSION YET AND IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER AS I GO!!! (Literally... it gets better each day no matter what happends... I dont know what happends after 2 years...)

Love you all
Elder Brooksby