Monday, October 1, 2012

Bom Dia! At the Beach? NOOOOO!

Bom Dia!
Today I am planning a relaxing day on the beach... JUST KIDDING.
Were running like crazy this morning to do everythihin so we can just get home and relax a little... haha I dont know where our logic is but IT MAKES SENCE OK!? :P

This week was like a week of utilities. We had a conference witht he President and that was amazing. Had a outting too LIsboa to take care of papers and the most fun part of the week... Cleaning the Chappel with the members!!! (story to follow).

Just gonna say that I am doing really well in all aspects of my mission right now, as far as Phisically Menally and SPiritually. I have a LONG ways to go still and I am learning so much more everyday but for now I jsut want you all to know that I am happy and I am having fun :) really loving it out here :)

Ok now that you know that I just want to say FOGO!
Its been a kick butt trandsfer with Elder Diaz and we are having a ton of fun with our Ward. They really are the light of my life and Im doing my best to bring others to know how cool they are and how cool they can be.

(Story time)
The Boys Together Again!
This weekend was the anual clean the church before general conference shin-dig. We did our studies until 10:30 and headed out all ready to kick the dirt monsters butts. 
With lots of elbow greace we started in on cleaning EVERYTHING. Waxing the floor. Lawncare. Drains. Bathrooms. Toilets. EVERYTHING. YOu all know.. when I say the word everything... It usually means most everything. but. When I CAPITILISE It. You KNOW. I Mean EVERYTHING!
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah we had about 10 members there (that was a little sad) and us 4 missionaries. After 2 hours half of everyone left (including the other two missionaries) and went home because they were tired and had other stuff to do. Basically it was the bishops family and 3 other memebrs + Elder Diaz and I. 
Project Mode slammed into high gear for me I cant lie and I started barking orders and we started flying thru work. It was pretty funny to see everyone scrambling around trying to understand what I was trying to say in Portugês without knowing really well how to say mop or broom or AHHH STOP SPRAYING ME WITH WATER!.

Just kidding We were good little elders and follow the directions of the Bishop and the other members. You could tell they were tired but we just keept smiling and playing music off my player (MOm.. I love that thing) Church songs in English are so funny ot hear from Portugês people hahahaha.

At the end of the day we finished up at about 7 and were all really tired. Elder Diaz and I ran home showered and changed then went out to teach a few lessons. We stopped by the church as The wife of the bishop and another member were finsihing the waxing of the floor. they saw us dressed again and back out to work and I saw the relief on their faces.

We are here working for them and they knew it. I really love my area and my friends Ive found here... I never want to leave them.

So yeah I am really loving it out here. I feel like its been forever since writing you all.

I am a little worried about myself progression at times. I dont want to get stuck in a rut. I really need to rely on the Lord to help me as I move through this time In my life. He has literally expanded my view and like I always said. I feel like I can take a lot more energy trandsfer then before (this is to you Dad).

YOur letters inspire me and remind me what I have to share withothers. Its an importaint and crucial part to always remember for who and why this Gosple was created.

Nephi said often, and I love this and love him, cant rely on the flesh of the man. its gotta be coming from our Lord and Savior. At times we dont understand whats really going on around us. Just gotta stay worthy to let him work through us.

My eyes water my pillow by night as I dream of the people I love who are yet to come to the fold of Our God. 
I love Him. I want people to feel that love I and He has for them. I cannot discribe how heart-breaking it is to see someone outside of this Church.

Ill save my emotions and thoughts for anther day though. :) Just know I love you all and when I say all I usually mean almost all. But in this case Ill just say I love you ALL.

Èlder Brooksby

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