Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I forgot what week it is. Woah

Wow Im feeling pretty humble right now,
This week we had a miracle. A Lessactive family we have been working our butts off with, decided it was time to return to church. We had the opportunit to baptise the youngest girl of the clan and then came the miracle.

They have cousins who listened to the lesson with us and loved them. But their parents arent ever home and we never had the change to meet them. After marking the Youngest girl Tania for baptism and her grandma (this weekend she will be baptised or next) the two girls went home to thier mom with the book of Mormon and started to read every night.

They are so amazing. They have read more diligently then anyone I know here in portugal. Every morning and night and sometimes they just read for fun in the day. They really were amazing little girls. Elder F didnt want to think about baptism because they dont have support to stay active. Understandable. But we said a prayer of faith and went on with the week.

The morning of the baptism of Tania we get a phone call.These two girls have asked thier mom to let them be baptised and join the church (they go every sunday for 4 weeks now :)) we were shocked. we ran to the store and bought a drinks and cake and then went and interviewed them with thier mom.

Elder F didawesome. He slammed down on the importance of Mothers going to church with Children and showing them how they need to grow up. This mom was hit like a brick wall when we testified of personal exp in uor lives that church has made. Even at the age of 9. She comitted to start coming to church with them (after work people work 1 month on 1 month off sometimes) so she will be Baptised I hop/have faith.

This saturday had 3 baptisms! That makes 5 souls brought into an enternal family of our Father.

2nd Nephi 2:30.
Take 2 mins and read this scripture. It was the answer to my question (ill write you the question)

But yeah, all is going really well. Im starting to learn to hold my tounge a little more. Its not what we eat that makes us unworthy to be Gods servants. Its what we say. Im learning to not say anything unless its going to be what the Savior would have me say. Key word here is Learning :PPP Im also failing at it most times haha. I like to do everything excat to the rules and sometimes others dont. But we all do our own things wrong and my goal is getting the moat outta my eye :P ;)

Everyone here is really awesome. Our missionaries are hard workers. I was on splits with another of the Misisonaries and I realised how blessed I am to have a comp who, even though is feeling a little trunky, works hard to baptise!!

We´ve been blessed even with our faults. Which leads me to what we learned in Church.

Its not our work. Its the Lords. So... Its because of him that we have batisms at all.

its funny.. I´ve felt the most down about my unworthyness and imperfections the weeks weve baptised the most. I have so much to change. pray for me this week! Im feeling the pressure.

Love you all so much.

Elder Brooksby

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