Monday, October 8, 2012

I about killled everyone in my ward with a heartattack as I heard the news about the age changes!
To allow our Eliets to go forth as they are ready. I cant say or express my heart enough. TREY MY MAN. TAKE IT, ITS YOURS! Its the best thing in the world. THE LORD HEARD MY CALL. JOIN ME IN THE FIGHT!
"And now, my beloved son, notwithstanding their hardness, let us labor adiligently; for if we should cease to blabor, we should be brought under condemnation; for we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God"!

Side note: Trey you have to get an answer from God. Gotta go ask Him for the call. I know He is waiting for you. We´ve been shining our armor since we were elves :D

Another Side note to Jennifer: All I can say is. WRITE ME A LETTER! Im going to write you today!!! Sorry I havent until now!!

Another Side note I printed off all the emails and will read them and write letters today.

Amazaing week of Elder Diaz and I sick in Bed. Haha It was pretty bad. We got thrown down. 
But were better now. Infused with the power of God :D This will always be a week to remember.

Redeveloped our 1st lesson and Our "Lesson 0" (basically a lesson on the doctrine of christ alma 31) ans started teaching groups of people in the streets with great scucess and failure :P Our zone leaders called this morning demanding to know what we were doing to be getting the numbers were pulling in. We explained how we redid the lesson and the teaching of "lesson 0" and they asked us to write it all down and present it to the President of the Mission. Basically we followed their teachings at the conference and changed what we were doing... It wasnt anything we though to be huge. But its turing out to be really cool.

One of my fav people here in portugal is going ot be baptised this next week (God Willing). Sissy is a single mom with two childrren and a love for learnining. She is amazaing.

Well This General Conf was awesome. We got to see 3 1/2 of the 5 sessions and they were all amazing... Ive never felt closer to GOd or the Savior in my life. But Ill save the Testimony of our prophets for the investigators ;) You all just need to know I know this is Gods directed church. By Christ Himself. To the Prophets to the hearts of our children.

Wow I just have nothing to say anymore. I love the mission and I dont plan on leaving for a good lifetime. Its an amazing work and we must take pride in the Goly of our Savoir.

Growing close to Christ is by knowledge of Him. Study His life. Study the Basic Priciples. He has all we need.

Well Im going to send this off and maybe thing of more to write later.

Fogo and Fighting!
Elder Brooksby.

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