Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Everythign is going... GR..

Everythign is going... GR..
Pretty hard.
We had 4 of our most loved people fall out of baptism this weekend.. dad has the stories on them..
Baptisms. Hahaha. I hate how numbers are attached to them. The people are changing thier lives. and Helping me see how wonderful our Fathers plan in for us. Im never going to be able to give back what Ive been given. I sure am getting pretty tired as I try though :)

My Comp is "dying" this week. Going home to canada. So were pretty much just trying to make it to next Pday alive and well :P
Oh! Trandsfers are this week. I probably wont get moved so I think its chill to send letters. My Area is BOmb. com. I love it.

Hmmm whats on my mind. Yesterday I fell asleep after church as we were cooking lunch. I passed out on my bed. when I woke up I felt better but still.. pretty disconnected because of how... ahh I cant say my feelings in english on this one. I felt faulta. Basically I felt something missing in me because of our loved family who were held back from Eternal Life.. Fogo. I.. gr.. sigh. Its been a hard 3 days.

I destroid my feet. I can walk allday without pain. Soon as I get home I cant hardly walk haha. Blessings of the work no doubt about it.

Starting to realise how mucfh our testimony grows as we put it to the test. Im (throught the help of the Lord) able to develop more faith in a living prophet, Joseph Smith, Our Lord and Savior, and our Heavenly Father. 

Really you need to get out there and share what you know. Don´t think you have a testimony. Know you do. By Sharing and Growing with others. I only say it becuase its been kicking my butt lately :P ;P

Okay Ive got 8 mins left and My head hurts from english. I need to learn how to speak portugese better its suffering at the hands of my comp who speaks spanish and Eglish Hahaha

Hmmm... I guess thats what Ive got for you all. Im getting bigger. Eating a ton of food. Doing excercizes at times.. hahaha but.. its so hard not to eat here.. its all so good. hahah. Im bringing you all back with me after :) :)

In all reality I love the mission, My mission. Ups and Downs sure. But like Alma says to helaman the joy you feel makes you forget the pain.

One last word of warning.
Don´t fall into the thought of not reading your scriptures everyday. Im not joking I tell you all this in the spirit of warning. If you arent reading and praying everyday I am pleading with you right now to pick up the Book of Mormon and K

Love you all more then the Food here! 
Elder Brooksby

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