Monday, July 23, 2012

LIterally. Bases LOADED!

We had a record breaking amount of people at church this sunday, so many that we had to open the doors into the primary and people sat there!! It was AMAZING!!


It happend to be the same sunday that I was to give a talk.....     


Hahahahaha so yestderday(sun) I gace my first talk in portugese! to ov er 80 people (in portugal... thats insaine). It was a blast! I felt so guided by the spirit as our topic was every member a missionary, I was last up to speak.

the first two were how and what we needed to say, the usual dont be afraid and follow the spirit scriptures that give a great base for the people of the ward (10 investigators of ours 1(recent convert got the holy ghost today) of the other dupla).

After a hymn it was my turn... I wasnt nervous.. I felt like I was on fire. I got up the the stand and instantly felt the spirit hit me so hard, everyone was kinda getting to the point of sleep and I wasnt going to have that... so BAM told a joke that had them all on their toes (about my portugese) and after that it just... flew.
I had a really strong impression during the week about abraham 3 22-23. Its been roilling in my head for days and It came out for this talk. Each member of our church here is a noble and great one. Each has a speciality that they can share with their freinds.. I sincerly told them how much I needed their help and without them Our work is nothing. I love our ward here so much. I couldnt help but smile so big while I spoke. There came a point where I stopped smiling to bare testimony of what I had said, one of our new investigators who asked why we need to go to church was there, I looked up and saw a glow in her eyes. It touched my heart. That she... that we all.. never understand why we do what we do.. but that what we do is what God asks us. And after we have faith and do it... He blesses us with a peace that we cannot replace..

I know that this Church is true. Pure and Simple :) Love it.

That same investigator (family of 5) came up to us after and told us we didnt need to repond to her question of why church is important... she knows. Marinanna :)

Work is hard! this week was tough and we were pretty down. Working with lessactive to get more to church and stay with little fruits. This world we live in is pretty tough on familias.

Speaking of, I LOVE YOU GUYS :):) I wish I could tour my area with you all and show you everything and everyone! I love my area and Xfers are in 1 week, so no letters until then Ill know! (xfers are 6 weeks long)

Also a cool thing I forgot to say, our mission is 30 mins ahead, its really light at night so we get up at 7 and bed at 11. so if you get a letter marked with a time i should be sleeping in another mission.. dont worry ;) Im keeping all the rules hehe :) I cant offord not too!!

Were always super blessed here in mission Portugal. It is literally the best mission in the world. You couldnt convince me otherwise:)))||!!!!!!!

LOve it out here and Love the people!

My Comp goes home in 7 weeks and is getting trunky as heck, Im trying to motivate him and that but honestly its the Lord who slaps us around when we need to be reminded! ahaha he is the (not really trunky he is just next to me so Im being a jerk hahahaha ;) )

Okay that about does it! Wish me luck and were going to baptise!!!!

Love you all!
Elder Brooksby

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