Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wha wha wha WHAT?! Elder Brooksby Throws down!

that's RIGHT!

Ending of the 6th Inning here in Portugal and wouldn't you know it?! MIRACLES!
If you look at the pictures now Im sure you already know. Sheila and Jussy :) I had the privilege of baptising two of Gods most precious daughters :) My first and 2nd baptisms on the Mission here in portugal.

I am going to send a letter talking about them but Im going to review here also :)

Sheila: We found her on the street, one day we saw her and bam spirit hit. Talk to her. We went. She was waiting for her mom too carry somthing so we offered service and carried some fruit and other stuff to their house (a trick i learn from an old fart:)daddy ).

After getting her number we inveted to church and she.. accepted! (little did we know....)
She attended church in which all the member shunned her and no one was talking to her the first hour (relief soc) 2nd hour she tried to leave but thanks to my fast talking comp elder F. we got her to stay for precepts of gosple. which she loved. Then sacrament was testimony meeting. More or less three members talked and were way longggg so it was way bad for our investigators (this is week 2 of portugal BTW)

Anyways she left after church and we thought nothing more then to pas by another day. But I had a good feeling about her. (thanks to the Lord, were nothing without him)
So tuesday we get a text from her to come visit the next day and explain. 


She slammed us, so hard. She tested us of knowledge of the Gosple for a good hour before slamming each member there and really going into it.! Elder F and I were totally chill though. (thanhks to the Lord) and we shared our testimonies. And the Restoration. From then on we had HASH out sessions with her 3 times where with each lesson she gave us the hardest doctrine to talk about, all which we refer back to the simple and plain of the Gosple of Christ. It was awesome.
Abraham 3:22-23 is what i was so impressed to tell her. So i did. In the end After telling us she was going to leave the church and not hear more. I said "Sheila... I have a question.." the spirit was burning me up like mad and she just yelled "OKAY! Ill be Baptised!!´" we were so shocked after that! Just like... Srsly?! Hahah we were so happy! But Satan always tries us and her, problems came and went and she is a strong member here now :) (Not memeber yet, gets Gift of the spirit next week)

Jussy: sister of Sheila. Miracle. Meet her last sunday and taught all the lessons until thrusday, asked her to be baptsied this sunday and she accepted after a personal testimony of Elder F and I. Was amazing. And REALLY hard work! 

SO much stress to baptise people!! Hahahahaha so many thing go wrong and try their faith right at the beginnig but we got through it all and they are thee two funniest girls and Noble and Great. I love them!

Other then that, I DONT KNOW! Haha Xfers are at 5 today so I will send an email to let you all know if I leave or stay :) I hope i stay.

We have a family of 5 that we pray will be baptised this week, following with another couple of 2 (with faith) and when we have baptisms we use the new memebers to find more people to teach, thats our focus this week. HIT IT HARD! My mind was blown yesterday after baptising two people and running around like crazy! But its going great here and I love it.

I now realise how much # of baptisms doesnt matter... hahahah funny as it is to say, its so true.

Im getting used to the life out here and I almost called the Mission presedent to extennd but.. too soon? hahahah JK

Im a pretty tough person to get along with. I want to do everything 100% and dont know where the line/boundaries are, so I always ask or secound guess my comp. I need to get better..


Q/A Time is NEXT WEEK! Please prepare a list of questions about areas and mission and favoirte people ect for me so I can anser all the things! hhahamy brain is toast after reading all your emails! (Toasted with love and Affection;) )

Hmmm Anything more... 
Manuel is no longer speaking with us so thats a dead end :(
24 Inactive is going good, found her dad and tought plan of salvation, just need them to really feel the will to go to church. Theyre lazy :P hehe jkjk

Money here is sparce but we get by! :D I budget like a mad man ;)

So many blessing and so much to tell! The mission is hard and when its hard, sometimes I lose that Drive  to speak, I dont have time to! Only time to get from point A to B everyday and all teh way to Z ahah

Okay Love you all! Look for my email later! and Im sending a pretty cool thing your way this week fambam :)

Love you all!

Elder Brooksby

P.S. Record Breaking Again: 11 People at churhc!! Haha woot!!

Hey Loves!Staying in my area :) Souse the same address!
W same comp :)
Love you all !!!

Elder Brooksby

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