Monday, September 24, 2012

Òla Familía!
Hey so I printed off everyones messages today so I can read them and write a letter back to each one of you! :) Except you mom, I read yours and laugheed for 15 mins straight. hahaha It was an amazing trip :)

So I am doing well :) The weeks are rollercoasters of ups and downs but always when we get to the end of the week we are smiling and Happy.

The Ruinion of Elder Diaz and I has been a Life changing exp. I really love this Elder. 
WE have so much fun together trying as greenies to figure out how to work most efficiant as possible. At times we are really really down because of how much we feel like we are lacking, and others we are practically floating back to the apartment on a spiritual high.

This week an experiance I really loved with him was the Baptism of two more children of God :)

Keila and Abdulay.
(Pictures coming in letters.. or if not, when I send the SD)
XXXX: was a reference of the Sisters in Setûbal and she was practally hand carved by the Lord ready for baptism. We taught her litterally 1 time and she was commited to baptism. LIttle did we know she has been going to church since she was 5 but never felt the need for baptism. Then moved to our area. Elder Diaz and I challenged her to baptism on the 2nd visit and she said accepted! It was a really cool thing for us we thought, then we found out her story and it became even more amazing!
XXXXXXX: an 28 year old who drank and smokes. literally his was a convertion through the power of the spirit. we taught him every time in the church and each time he wanted to come back and learn and feel more. He really is fgeeling the power, we´ve just gotta help him hold on to it.

We are changing how we work. Too often we sit in a meeting and talk about 10000 people who were baptised and fell away. Our goal is to really help the children of men find and stay with our Savior. Families are our work now. Its much more different a work but.. Its worth it and I feel so much more power as I actually help people change thier lives. Ive still got a lot to learn.

Man my time flew by this week. ive got 9 mins left.

Just wanted to say that I am still just starting too see how important this work is too me. HOw much I am being shaped different then I could have ever thought. Your get your eyes pulled out and God lets you see with his. Not much is cooler.

I have re-occoring nightmares of going home... Ill write about em maybe.

I love you all so much and wish I had more time to tell you individually how much I think of you.
As an Èlder we are litterally the Followers of Christ. Im learning more about him everyday and the more I learn the more I understand how little I know. I am a baby with the sword of an Everlasting God. Hopefully Elder Diaz and I can get to the buttkickin of the devil a little faster.

5 mins.

Still needs trevs address, if you got it bro, shoot it too me.

I about died with the story of Safara, that crazy puppy. Give her a hug and kiss for me.

Here in portugal we always say "hug hug, kiss kiss" on the phone when we hangup :P :)

Hug Hug, Kiss Kiss

Elder BRooksby

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