Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sorry Last Week Letter!

We get 1 hours to email and it took me 30 mins to read all of them!!! THANK YOU!! :))

So first off, YEAH BUDDY! Great week!! I survived. In fact. I did more then survive. I Had a blast and taught the word of God to a Nation in need! It was a great week.

So IM going to start with the downs first and then move to ups (if they can be called downs):
First Manuel didnt come to church this sunday... :( I was on divisions to help another elder and when I got to church i looked all over not to find him. sigh... i was bummed. but we called him and he was at the hospital for therapy (his leg is pretty messed up) but were meeting with him this week and he is praying for a date we are going to baptise him (this sunday we pray).

2nd is fought a little with my comp, he is pretty chill but when i have an idea to do something I am the "babe" (Baby) so I need to shut up. Finally one day I had enough, an impression that we need to knock doors at a specific place and NOW. So I asked him lets go knock over there? he was like "dont you wanna follow our schedle???!!! why do we make it if you wana do something differant" (we wrote down names of people to try to visit and teach, not much of a schedual :P) but i was like look, i know i suck at this missionary thing... but I know we need to go there. He threw a moster rage fit but I felt the spirit confirm what we needed to do. So i dragged him there....... 2nd door we knocked on... opens to a less activfe 24 yr old woman who with open arms listens as i give an "by the spirit" lesson about ether 12 : 4. how we need the rock of the Savior in our lives. She was hit pretty hard and told us her story. We got a refrence for a nonmemeber (her father) and she is going to meet with us again and start attending church.
I walked away from the door smiling my face off. and my companion told me I needed to let him talk more during that lesson (hehehe... I know portugese... a little... Only through the Lords help though!! Neveerrrr Forget that!!) he apologized and we went to another Woman in the area and had a well awesome lesson and next time we are setting a date for baptism. :)

I have faith for these people we work with to recive the gosple and change. I know its hard. Change is hard. REALLY HARD. Here in portyugal if you dont drink you are pretty much a joke and immorality isnt even thought of as a sin. But The Lord Prepares people and we find them. It,s up to us to teach with the spirit and them to accept. But mostly us :P :)) :D

Pedro. The Investigator w cancer. We visited and wow another 2 hours later and a blessing he was litearally bouncing around his house and wow he is amazing. The power of the priesthood is killing it in that home and they love us! HE jsut started Kimo so its hard to get them to Church but we have faith. They do too :))

D\C sectoin 3. Read it and substitute Josph Smith for Elder Brooksby (Your Name). God gives us gifts and expeects us to use them for good. I had a sweet one. dissernment. but after bragging about it and showing off. I dont have it anymore(during the MTC week 4 until now)... Its really rough. But IM proud to say I dont have it anymore because I know God is changing me to recognise what I do have. Today after reading the sections 3-5 I had an overwhelming spirit of relief and comfort. immediatly after i felt that familiar prompting ive had through my life return. I am so greatful for everything the Lord Gives me. You, my family and friends, and for your love and support :)

I sent a few letters this week so hope you get them :)

TREVAR WEIGHT: Send me your address broskii and your parents emails!! Lov eyou man. thanks for the emails they are my Iron rod in the mission right now.

Sarah: Loved your emails too and your letter. I got it right after finishing with emails so I didnt mention it in my email but wrote you back! :)seriously the coolest things you included and they are looked at we say here in portugal Força!! ;):)

Haley: Write stories in a notebook and use it to rememeber what to write home!! Im going to write you a letter today <3 Love you!
I draw power from you in the MTC and cant wait to hear about your first few weeks.

Mom: WOW Loved the emails. I cant tell you how much they make me smile and give me something to stand tall for when the days are long. LIterally when I think of you and Dad. I straighten my back, broaden my shoulders, smile, and run up the next flight of stairs!! ... then I get to the top and wish i hadnt done that... laugh at myself and go on with the day ;) XD :))

Dad: You are Fantastic!! I am sooo glad to hear youve got the fav 5 now hahah I litaearlly screamed yes!! (okay.. no i didnt... :P)

Alrighty packeges mom. Send it to the mission address and incude little things you know i like! Food needs to be nonparishable if you put it in :)) pictures frames cheap and little momentos. (Sarah knows cool stuff) ;) <3

OKAY ROCK ON MY FAMILY!!! BEST WEEK OF MY MISSION YET AND IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER AS I GO!!! (Literally... it gets better each day no matter what happends... I dont know what happends after 2 years...)

Love you all
Elder Brooksby

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