Monday, October 22, 2012

Flying in Portugal

Olà minha familia!
How is life flying out in the word of Earth? This is your fighter Pilot Elder Brooksby reporting in from Baixa Da Banheira, Portugal. 
Well Ill start off with a breif update on the events that rocked my week.
Firstly and Upmostly:
XXXX WAS BAPTISED!!!!!!! I am IN LOVE with this lady! She is a super strong spirit child of our Heavenly Father. I mean wow she is awesome! Her baptism was my favorite of all times and Im just going to tell you a little about it.

So Elder Diaz was sick the first of the week tuesday and wednesday and I was with elder quimwanga in the others elders areas doing divisions. We didnt get to pass by XXXX until the end of the week (friday) we had been praying hard for when she needed to be baptised and felt strongly that this week was it. Running short on time we got to her house and felt like something was wrong.
Diverting from our planned lesson elder diaz and I follow what we hoped to be the spirit as we asked some very specific questions and ended up getting what the Lord needed us to get from her. Her situation is one very sad. I cant go into details but her husband is in a place where he cant leave of his own free will. She has been alone without work and anyone to help her for the last 3 months, selling little things here and there to make it by. What you all need to know about her is that she is always happy and smiling! I mean always! When she feels the spirit she just SMILES. Always smiling. BUt when we got there Ive never seen her so forced into a smile in my life. We asked her and she controlling tears she told us everything. 

Ill just say It was the first time after that story I felt my Gift of reading people kick into Ninja-High-Spirit-Mode. I told her the future and how I knew how she really was feeling and the questions she really had. It was insane. Ive never felt so power packed in my life. Elder Diaz was right there with me. There is a scripture in the book of 3rd nephi that talks about the Prophet Nephi I wana share  Helamen 11:19 "And behold, Lehi, his brother, was not a awhit behind him as to things pertaining to righteousness."
Elder Diaz is Comp to the end of the world. He is my Uncle lance. I love this man.

SO yeah. IT was an awesome lesson where at the end we asked her to pray for what day to be baptised. She felt that the same day we felt. And she was baptised. It was awesome.

Michael, My best friend here  (see pics) baptised her. He was on fire after that. We three were. Incircled about by pilars of fire. (Read Helamen 5)

After the baptisem we went to teach a lesson together and basically made it all up. After the lesson it was so powerful we named it our Lesson "Jesus Christ". (Lesson 0 was another thing made up by us haha)

Gods hand is shown everyday in this work. We ALWAYS have to sharpen our sword and be worth for the spirit to electrify us as we teach. If you first learn about Christ, then Teach of Him. The spirit doesnt need to cover the points you miss. He can testify of Each Point You Teach.


Its about my time to get off and head out to buy food. As of this week Its not safe to send letters (end of xfer) PS Treys letter hangs at the front of my bed haha. Tanners too.

Love you all
Elder Brooksby

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