Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ok, so back to the saga...
We got Tyson all set in a room in the hospitals 6th floor.  As he began telling of the events that found us all together again I felt a deep sense on gratitude for all those in the MTC for helping him see the seriousness of the situation. 

 He told us that when the doctor did the initial exam in the MTC Clinic he pressed on a certain place on his stomach and did the rebound test. When Tyson screamed he just said, "Congratulations, you just won a one way ticket to the emergency room."  After that they had him in a wheelchair whisked into a car and sped to the hospital.  He was in surgery before he had the chance to think.  (and before I could get there!)  He said that when the Doctor told him of the necessary surgery his responded "no" with disbelief.  Shock didn't wear off even after when he was recovering in the hospital.  
We both felt like it was a strange dream.

As for what he said and did while he was on the drugs I will save for him to save for him to share but I would like to apologize to those few who did see him during that time...although it could have been worse. lol

His recovery went well, with some minor frustrations for a man wanting to be somewhere else.  He really missed his companion and roommates (district) and worried for them.  I love to see his mind with them.  He was also grateful that this happened to him and not one of the Elders that was struggling with homesickness and would have been challenged to go back to the MTC,  

Tyson loves us I know, but his heart is in the work now.  Although he was glad I was there with him helping him in the hospital (24/7- the hospital chair is NOT a comfortable place to sleep)  because he was not missing us before it was easy to send him back.

We actually treated the hospital as our MTC and I was his companion.  We worked on language a little (between naps and drugs and doctors and nurses and meals that you drink and walks around the halls)  I was able to hear about his experiences in this amazing part of his mission and feel of the spirit that he felt while teaching his investigators. 

In the end we were able to send him back to the MTC ourselves and even when they offered to let us take him to dinner and spend more time together he said, "No, I would rather be back with my companion at the MTC.  I need to get back to work."

And I understood, this was the boy that I sent on a mission but I later realized that he was also the dedicated man who became a missionary. Why?  Let me tell you... Feeling sick and exhausted from being sick all night with terrible pain in his stomach he still went and taught his investigator only 4 hours before going into the operating room.  

So this is what it feels like...

Thank you Tyson - My Elder, My Example, My Hero...

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