Friday, May 18, 2012

Holy cow momasita!
Thanks for this letter it rocks like crazy cool yeah buddy!
Its great too hear from you :) First off I love you & Happy Mothers day again :)
I am soooo glad to hear about manilla that sounds like so much fun! I got your letters and packages I LOVE THEM! Elias, Sav, Denver, and Kadin they all rock :) I am sending my letter back to them today as well as the family.
Soo much to write my hands hurt so I took a little time off of writing and jumped on my emails for the day :)
I SAW you Today!! Haha It was so great to see your smile meu Mai :) I got the bag and it was like Christmas came early! The other 3 Elder Crowded around us as I pulled out each little and big thing. It was soo amazing haha I consider it my ""med pac"" to keep me alive in this MTC :P haha. Elder Diaz and Elder Wilson were dying with gratitude for those watches. They both are so grateful they hug me randomly ^^ lol I am really happy thanks for everything in there... that super glue is going to be sooo useful I think I may use it to seal up my stomach :P
I went to the doc this week because my stitches came out and I started bleeding like CRAZY. It was pretty chill I was pretty stoked. The Doc said something about "not playing futebol" with the guys? Not sure what he is talking about.... Lol
But dont worry they cauterised the inside of my stomach and put this little black stuff on it... WHICH TURNED INTO A TATOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE ONE NOW TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Ill send pictures of it later :P I am going to send my Picture card this week please take care of it and save the pictures all over the place. I would like it to be semi-sacred when you look at the rituals that take place at the MTC :P You will see them ask questions after you watch them ahahahahha.
Thanks for the blog posts and the updates. I cant tell you how much they mean to me! You make me sound too cool no one will recognize me when I get home they will think im too much a loser :P not your son you were describing hahaha
This week I got to the point where I can speak portuguese enough to be able to talk about the gospel.
I am almost fluent!........... in 2 year old.... :P Its pretty tough because you learn sooo much in one week. Its hard to remember to use it all or even remember it! But It doesn''t really matter, as long as you have the spirit with you the lessons go amazing. Its pretty fun but at times you get pretty down. Doesn''t matter though because as soon as you get back to the dorm that nigh, no matter how bad the day was, you can''t help but smile at the letters on the wall and the pictures. The Elders all around you who no matter the troubles will laugh and wrestle and play mafia with you until you are smiling and praying giving thanks to our Amazing Heavenly Father Thanking him for those Elders that are there with you. I am here for a reason and I know that these Elders are here for me.
OH! Time for Class now so I''ve got to head out.
Just really quick,
This week I was struggling with Life after Death. Its so hard to have faith in something when It seems too good to be true. I want to live forever with my family and I will do anything for it. In the temple I was praying so hard for some response. To just KNOW that it was true. I was reading the scriptures and a verse hit me so hard.
Sometimes we wont just Know. Sometimes even we dont have the full faith. But. If we hope, all things are possible and I feel my faith grow more each day now:)
Im still growing :)
Love you
Elder Brooksby

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