Sunday, May 13, 2012

Letter from Elder Tyson

Hello Meu Mai,
(Elder Herycz says Hi)(Elder Diaz says hi)
Just wanted to start off this weeks email with a quick note to you in particular.
Eu sei que o templo e muito important, E este para Nos sentir O Senoir amor por Nos. Eu nao saber como falar que tudos querudo falar. Eu ama voce mutio mais :)
Phew. It takes about 4 hours to type stuff out in portugese as I am terrible at it :P
ALright! so weekly update timee!
Its been the longest week of the MTC by far this time. The drugs they had me on were crazy and I was pretty high all week long. I couldn't understand most everything going on around me but It was all good! I felt the spirit and had a good time. It's just that the time went reallllyyy slow. hahaha :P
So this week was spent half remebering and falling asleep randomly in the day. But I was especially blessed yesterday and today (I stopped taking the drugs two days ago)
I was sitting in class doing my personal study whilst the class around me reading Helaman 5. Wow the spirit of the capter hit me so hard and all the suddent this though came into my head. Quoting what I wrote in my notebook
"In the end of the chapter, Nephi gains the Lords support. Unto being able to "teleport" among the children of men.
If we are walking home depresed because of the iniquities of the people we are teaching. let us stop and listen for the Voice of the Lord, maybe we can gain the power and support of God to have the streingth to turn around and to teach again the people."
Even when Nephi fails to change the hearts of the people he spends all his time and effort to declair his word unto them, that maybe, just maybe, they will listen to the slightest degree and change.
I know that if we live worth of his blessings and follow his commandments we will gain a power from God, when we are feeling down and tired God will "teleport" us to the poeple we need to teach. IF we stop and listen for his voice :)
The Spirit is so strong here. Just reading the scriptures in class I was completely nailed by the spirit so hard I started crying. I know that Our Savior lives. He did for all of us what we would not do for ourselvs or anyone around us.
I was in the hospital for my post-op checkup sitting in the cold room they always stick you in before the doctor comes to poke you everywhere but right on the stitches asking if it hurts. (Duh it hurtsss!) Haha.
Anyways sitting on the chair alone I was again thinking.
To myself " What if I had the power, that when I touched something/someone it/they would become perfect? Woah. But... The cost would be the same amount of energy it would actually take to make that thing perfect. I started to think about what I would touch with this power. Other people? Hmm That may just about kill me... but still.. in some cases it would be worth it.
Things? Scriptures, to perfectly be marked and color coded. Ect. All these things that would take so much enevergy and time.
Then all of the sudden.
Christ has that power.
He can heal those who are hurting. Make them whole.
He can calm the raging wearther so we can study outside.
He can make others feel his love by looking at thier eyes.
He can heal a dying woman by the touch of his cloak.
My final thoughts of this were of that I cannot thank him enough."
I know that this is true. I believe he will come again. I know he will.
He loves Us. Just ask him.
I love you all and pray for you all :) Have a great week and pray for me.
Love Elder Brooksby

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