Monday, July 2, 2012

Week 2.5 in Portugal


IM here! IM happy :) and I,m tired as karn :P

Its been a crazy cool week. Already everything is getting better! Wow i have so much respect for anyone who served a mission honestly and wow these guys are cool.

First off its pretty rough out here! The streets are narrow, people short, and sun... bright! haha but all is well is Zion!

I learn a lot each week. this week was i have so many blessings. ive always been blessed to have a drive for the things i do, to better myself and others around me! but to have this also i had a family who loves and supports me! here its a little different! The World of Portugal weighs on me! So it feels like :P I need to pow! baptize and confirm and POW! be the best missionary I can! But HOLY COW its crazy! Had a day wehre EVERY single appointment fell through... and when that happends.. knock doors and talk to peopl ein the street for a good 7-8 hours! hahah okay so yeah its dissapointing and frustrating and hard and ive talked about that but..
its amazing.

number one ive never cried more in my life. hahahah i know righ?? what is this?? but no really the hours of 7-11 of study are really amazing times to get closer to our savoir and learn more of his kingdom. :) So sometimes when I get hit really hard with a freight train of spirit i got a little teary at how amazing and wonderful this gosple is. and you NEED IT. when you hit the pavement at 11:30 the people will tear everything you love away from you in a few curt words. or try too :P but they can,t take away those moments where you have come closer to your and our savoir. They cannot. 

DOnt worry about me! I just realised all i do is complain here! hahahah I LOVE MY MISSION XD So rememeber that! If you gave me a plane ticket home I would laugh at you! 
If it wasnt hard and our work was easy then I would not be having a good time! Challenge Accepted ;)

I pull a ton of streigthn out of books written by our prophets and church histories. Ive never known what a blessing they are!

So Experiance time:
45, we stoped him in the street and gave a 3 min lesson on baptism and repentance and asked him to be baptised after praying to know that these things are true. to which he responded yes too. This sunday after several attaempts to contact him we got to have a lesson and he came to church.

I will never forget looking down a dirt road to see him. Crutch in one hand, Book of Mormon in the other. The bisggest smile on his face as he struggled so hard to make it up the hill to attend church. Its litterally imprnted on my mind. 

You never know with people.. what they are capable of. try everything for everyone is what im learning. never give up. when the people who are most strong investigators fall out.. reach inside for moments of joy and press on! 

I need someone to write dallan vale bales and thank him for singing the best church music in the world. thanks to good music i can sleep with the spirit literally resting on my chest :)

My area is Africa! Everyone will atlk to you but your word is worth nothing :P Commitments don,t excist so its just happenstance that you get a 2nd lesson :P :) hahah but everyone is so open here. We take 10 mins of someones day that i know in Vegas would rather chew dirt then talk to us hahaha but Its so great to see.

My Companion. Really Really good missionary! He is litearally the tesxtbook contactor. He can get anyone, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Ive knocked on a door for 10 mins because he said too and the people finally let us in the teach... :PPP hahah not something i would do but.. not it is! hahah

okay, letters here are expensive to send but im going to mail one this week (today or tomorrow) so look for it sometime in 1/2 weeks! My mailing adress is only good for 1 1/2 weeks now until we know about xfers! 

hmmmm what more...
during the week I think of stuff but i forget here.

OH! Time.
Its literally slow when our brains are being used less. so when you work and and fast. it CRUISES!
I love teaching lessons. I cant understand and say everything but its great the spirit and fun to help people pray and come to know God not just believe in him :)

I get better at portugesse a little each day and its fun to use more words. at times i dont talk much because my brain is dead but its getting better!

okay love you all!!

Elder Brooksby!

PS. Monday is P-day and im 7 hours ahead of you there :)
PPS Lov eyou all really do :)


  1. Dallyn Vail Bayles Well, that just made my day! Thank you so much for sharing that with me. Please give my very best to Elder Brooksby.

  2. Trey Brooksby commented on Dallyn Vail Bayles's Wall post.
    Trey wrote: "Ya know Tyson, literally means literally >.<"


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