Monday, June 25, 2012

Elder Tyson's First Week in Portugal

Welll.. Im here!

First off I am safe and sound. No deaths on the way over which is very very good :P
2nd is the keyboards here are jack haha so my emails maybe a little weird. forgiv me.

it costs 1 euro to use a computer for an hour so it takes me about 30 mins to read all the emails then respond.

okay so ill sum up this week: HARD!
Hahahahaha oh man i had no clue... its about 103 deg here and we are in the streets 24/7 stopping people and a sking them to be baptized.! Like wow! Not even teaching them more then 5 mins... Not ssure why we do it but man its pretty fun hahaha people say yes all the tie and we plan a day to go back and visit. most time they laugh at us when we go to visit them but haha tudobem.

entao. wow I know like 0 portugese during a visit with an investigator (will explain ab out him later) he spoke for a good 10 mins and I literally got maybe... 8 words. wow. portugese is spoken so fast here people dont use the full word or anything just shhhjflaskdjfhsshshhhhskasjdlfkshshhhhshhºsçljfaçslkshhshs hahahahah entao its very difficult to understand them! 

The allergies here are DESTROYING me hahaha I was down and out this sunday after church. Wow was I sick. I know what its about though so I work though it. I got sick on saturday morning and barely got up because i had a fever but I prayed like crazy to be able to work and all of the sudden it was 10:30 at night and i was climing back into bed!!!

This week I read "our heritage" which probably changed my life faster then any book ive read minus the BOM. Holy cow man its such a goo dbook. Sunday morning i was Dwon and out. Fever and my nose runs 24/7 but in the book i read about the missionaries that left their wifes and children to preach(cant spell in english) the word of Deus so why canºt I get over a fever? so I did. Went to ward council cold sweat like crazy and by the end of the meeting (which i understand 1/4 of hahaha) I was speaking all the portuguses that came into my mouth and commenting on everything and what we need.

WOW The church is true everywhere you go! I spend thrusda, friday and saturday working and wow it was really hard. I was like.. really struggling becuase so much was stacked against me and then some. 
But I walked into church and everything changed. Instad of the spoking cusssin people in the rua (street) there were families, friends, loved ones. Bishop here speaks funny english ahah so he always tells me I have good portugse and hugs me. After church I knew why I am here on a mission. To bring people to this happiness!Eyheyiya! God really does have it all worked out!

Gordon B. Hinkley said that our times of hardship and doubt are almost always the times God has given us to grow. Amen to that prophet. 

I have so much to learn here and I have so much to do. I need to get better and speaking the langugage and more accostomed to the weather. we walk more then 20 miles a dayhaha!

Haley: GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!! I loved the MTC and still love it! Just remember, there is a real world were people will throw a card you give them about Jesus in your face and walk away. :P 

Our ward has about 60 memebers and I canºt wait to help them grow! Its our goal :)

I had the opportunity to have a really powerful experiance this week.
We had a call saying a man needed a blessing. So we got up and ran to his house. This guy is so humble. So prepared by God. After sharing a little movie about Christ and Families I started to tear up. I can´t wait for these blessings in my life and I will do ANYTHING to help others also realize and recoginse this desire of families forever.
His wife is pregnate and he has cancer he is 28 and a really cool guy. I felt so much for him and I have so much faith that he will recover after his sergery. Thier son (8ish) is pretty chill I talked with him a little and he helps with my portugese.

I can see thier lives already changing. Thier home is becoming a house of families and love.
after the blessing he started coughing like crazy and we were all worried but then he was like..... "i feel... peace.."
his wife had tears in her eyes as we bore testimony of the power of ... everything.

as we left he said something along the lines of "thank you, thank your church... then he paused and said voces igreja é nossos igreja( your church is our church)" and we hugged him and said goodbye.

The Church is so amazing. The Word true is not good enough.

But Rememebr. It took 30 hours of dying in heat for us to have a good lesson. Haley you are going to work hard to get those times. but when you do... they wash away all your doubts and fears.

I love you all so much and love hearing about your weeks! Im sorry I cant write individiual emails back. Ill try to get small ones out at least :) 

Pray for me. Please pray for me. I am being tested to my limits right now and I can use all the prayers I can get :)

Missionaries are amazing epople. I donºt consider myself a full one jsut yet :P

Love you all
Elder Brooksby

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