Monday, April 1, 2013

Together STill

I'm grateful to be continuing here in Beja :)

Ive got some really powerful Revelation of how we can broaden the Vision of this city. More and More I see children of Heavenly Father ready and needing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings it brings. Its frustrating when they recognize the need and the source but cant bring themselves to accept a visit from us.
We Need our Members to do the Inviting!!!!!!!!!!! 
The entire attitude of people change when we have a member of the Church with us. Its completely incredible.

First time in my mission I have a companion for more then 1 transfer! :):)

1. English Class. Invites that the MEMBERS will give their friends and invite to come and enjoy.
2. Scripture Study Class. Invites that MEMBERS give to friends to come and learn the answers to the question "Do you want the best for your family?" and many more. We have 9 other types of churches here in Beja almost all with double the frequency of ours, Why? Their friends bring friends to church.... Rawr.

I realised that my Testimony is a giant point of straight to the members and other missionaries IF I am strong. If I am weak I see how it effects all those around me. I'm doing my best everyday to take steps closer to Christ so that those that look after me will want to follow.

Each Sunday at 19:00 we do an activity based on the D&C DVD´s and we are watching the faith of our Investigators grow!!! Its so true that knowledge is 100% necessary to be able to be converted. Helping them understand the back round of the church and also all the many miracles we know we see the Savior touching their hearts and helping them take steps towards true conversion.

We have 3 Main Stars at the Moment.
XXXX: 27 Woman. Well on the way to conversion. Work is stopping her from church attendance. Her contract renews soon and she is trying to get Sunday Off. She bought a 55$ ctr ring this week....
XXXXX: (RC) 43 Man. Strong in his testimony his friends have started to call him "pastor" with his diligence in keeping the laws of Heaven. He is moving forward immensely in his testimony through movies and praying and constant scripture study!
XXXXX: 23 Women. The Only non-member of a less active family we have here. With her desires to follow the family is coming back to church and we are just needed to get the arms open of the branch members to bring them all back in.

Elder Shumway and I have been working on the training diligently.
This week we worked everyday practicing the 3rd lesson 4-5 times during compain study. He is getting more confident and his testimony is growing! Confidence is the key to success with him! He loves to hear about how good he is doing :) I love him. Also working with chapter 4 in pmg has helped us recognise times when our investigators are feeling more of the spirit and when were are just mearly "teachers". Contacts in the street are 7-8 of which 1 -2 people will stop to speak. Our plans to help the people understand our message (passing out little papers for English class or importance of scriptures in family papers inviting them to come and study with their children) we will have more confidence with the people we speak. A specific message is much more effective then trying to "shotgun" for their needs in 3 seconds.

Im doing pretty good. We have Satan working hard against us but were fighting back!
Elder BRooksby

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