Monday, April 22, 2013

Some thoughts....

Well the days have been coming with more miracles each step of the way. I am serving with Elder Lee (an old friend from the mtc) who has been in the mission about 10 1/2 months now. Its been a crazy ride until now he says!
The mission here is taking some big changes as we get ready for 54 new missionaries in 3 weeks. Its pretty exciting to see what will happen and how it will all work out!
Our job really is to teach the Gospel to people, I hope we can help not only wake up the people in the streets but the ones who are inside the church as well to the many wondrous blessings that are waiting in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I can really say I'm fluent in English or Portuguese at this moment, I am pretty terrible with both. Language is not something you get over ever!
This week Elder Lee and I went on a division with our Mission President.
It was pretty terrible :P :P We talked with a few people and taught one lesson and it all seemed to be pretty garbage. I felt so bad with how it went I was like off the cliff of depression in no time. (Not really depression just super sad lol) and I was like.... WHY ME?! I used to be so strong at teaching and this and that!! Why cant I do the same thing now?! I just want... RAWR!!! I was so frustrated at how I have been here for one year now and I still have terrible days :P
Luckily at the end of our 3 hours together the Assistants were also to be doing a division with us... So If the first failure wasn't enough, I thought to myself, now this will really seal the deal!
I was assigned with Elder Andrade from Africa and the division started out with us walking down the hill and talking about a few things (mainly the division w president) I got to feeling the spirit pretty strong all the sudden. I was with someone who was going to run with me :)
So we started doing a few contacts in the street, we were getting rejected left and right but our faith was high and our excitement rate started to climb as we started to see the potential power that was brewing within us, being fed by The Lord!...........
At the end of the night we were laughing and walking home sharing some pretty deep feelings of the spirit and smiling talking to all who would cross our path.
It was a moment in which I just thought... Could this go on forever? Could I continue to feel so blessed and loved by My Heavenly Father as to share His Plan with His loved but lost Children?
The Division ended all to soon and we were pulled into a room for our evaluation and then went home.
President told me to be more patient with my companion and with people around me. Show more love for people and when people need help just because they are missionaries doesn't mean they don't struggle and I needed to help more then just kickin butts.
I can see his point. 
I'm so excited for this new year I have to be spending all the time in the service of the Lord.
Last night I had a dream.
I was sitting in general conf watching what looked to be the oldest man in the world talking to me. he was one of the quorum of the twelve apostles. He was describing to me the pain and suffering that my Savior passed through as he paid for my sins and faults. In an Instant I was taken to a Garden, where I was shown a man on His knees praying intensely. I saw the blood leave each of his pores and run to the ground as He trembled and cried out the Glory was for The Father.
Instantly I was taken to see A Man perfect in all ways looking upon His suffering Son and a tear left His eye. In an instant the dream closed before me and I was lying awake in my bed. I could no longer sleep. I felt no pain, no sleep, no worry in my body as I lay there. I felt.... paid for.
I bare my testimony to you that Jesus is The Christ. God is our Eternal Father.
They Love us. They care for us. They cry as we suffer the pains of this life.
I know HE Lives. I know the Book of Mormon is True. I know the Priesthood is real. I feel it´s power guiding my life as a Worthy holder of its magnificent blessings.
There is no way or means by which men may return to God, Only through faith on His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ.
It is true.
Elder Trey Brooksby, You are about to live it.
Elder Tyson Brooksby

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