Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Funny story..
Remember my old area? How I got transfer calls and they said I was going to Beja? Well it was a joke and I came here to Tejo.
Well I got transfer calls this morning and I am going to gues..... Beja! Hahahahaha

Im really mixed up again. Im going to miss this area. I was just getting familiar with it and ready to roll. Its going to be frustrating to see Elder R and his new comp take it in their own direction. (knock doors 24/7) 

I really do wanna do my best out here in Portugal. For My Savoir and Myself! Not because someone wants me too! It was really great to feel so strongly about my mission here but really rough to have it beat on. 

I have a pretty good feeling this will be the hardest time until now on the mission. I figured out 3 ways to base the happiness of the mission,
1. Your Testimony (Personal Spirit)
2. Your Companionship (United or No)
3. Your Area (If you know how to work it or not)

Its a giant balancing act that I am going to try to master this next area, comp and personal transfer 

Im really loving the mission. Wouldn't give it away for anything. Its the growing the learning and everything! Just... I still got quite a few rough edges to work out with the Lord :)

Man I get super pumped to see how Haley is right now! Its the best time of the mission to have that comp you love and everything rolling! Write it down love it and cherish it! Real growth happens when we are happy and stressed ;D

Im going to visit all the member now, cut my hair ( My hair is how I show how I feel hehe ) and pack my bags!

Go look Beja up on the map!! 

Also, Im reading the Book of Mormon Manual. Its been killer awesome. If you guys could get or find one lets read it together!

My New comp I met once, he seems really chill and confident I am happy to go there and see if I can loosen him up a little lovingly hehehehhe.. (turn off the hot water while he is in the shower.. MWAHAHAHAHWHWHAWHAHWashkfjwh... cough cough#)

Root for me in the ups and downs!! Love you Alllllll

Elder Brooksby

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