Monday, January 28, 2013

Bem Bem Bem!

Really great week! Really.
Well a letter went out around the mission called The Consecrated Missionary.
It was a huge help for me! It literally explained so much of what I was struggling with and how I could become better. Not just better, but that missionary who I want to be. Me :)
President came for a Zone conference and we all got to go out and learn a lot. They discussed the concept of a missionary who is really consecrated to the work. It was like an example of how we can be the best we can. Even president was talking about how much he was yet to go! It made us all feel good and really set up some great goals and standards for ourselvs.
Well the hard work ensued, we finished off the week pretty weak with no one at church but with a lot more focus on getting people there for this week. We found a really cool young man this week we are starting to teach. We invited him to church only he couldnt find it! He waited around but his phone died! So we were bummed but really happy to have someone with so much desire to come! It was a big blessing for us and our gun-ho! about talking with everyone at all times all things all places.
I had so many of my old thoughts come rushing abck to me about how I thought I would do missionary work and It was just like...
Wait.. Why am I not doing these?!? Hahahaha It was like I woke up outta  a dream! Elder Palmer is just tearing it up down here too! He doesnt let anyone walk past without offering to baptise them! hahaha its been pretty good.
With all blessings comes challenges and I know that if things are going ok now I need to take my time and "fortify" my City walls of who I am :)
Speaking of walls... :)
I was walking away talking about personal study inside and when I grow up how I am going to come back and take over and how cool castles are.... I think Elder Palmer was a little shocked at how I just grinned my ears off and smiled and shut my eyes and just ahhh it was so awesome :)
Its like.. Its just like..
I got to loving again... :)
Its not that we cant love in the hard times... Its just we really have to love in the times we have! So we can make memories and change peoples lives.
Well I need to shoot. Weve got lessons :)

Elder Brooksby

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