Thursday, May 23, 2013

Stand! And... Baptise!!

Check this movie out! :) To all my family friends and peoples :)

So this week was really good. Elder Bond and I are kicking butt thanks to some awesome searching we have been doing! And for the awesome guiding the Spirit has been doing haha :)

We found a family and a few other people. The Family are Jehovas Whitness but they came to church and are reading The Book of Mormon :)!!!!! Its been super awesome to meet them because they are so prepared! 

Church was a disaster... No one was prepared in their classes or anything and we have some hard core apostasy in our ward right now.

Story time:
As I walked into Gospel Principles class I saw our teacher was a new member and I was like uh oh... I walked up and.
Elder B: "hey! did you get to study the class before hand?"
Jeff "Uh.. No."
Elder Brooksby Smiling supportitivly "Haha No worries! whats the class on today?"

Him "............ The Fall of Adam and Eve............"
Me: "Oh no."

The fall is the hardest thing to teach JW´s, or ANYONE basically. Its really complex!
so we got going and.. 15 mins later everyone was yelling and saying their own thoughts.
I had to leave the class and I just sat and prayed that HEavenly Father would protect these new sheep we are trying to bring into Hid Fold. When I came back into the room Mario (JW) was basically teaching the class and helping everyone understand!! :)

It still ended badly but I literally saw God´s hand move infront of the faults inside the church so that our investigators were understanding only what they needed! :) I hope ;)


We had a family night at a members house and they came^!! then we watched a show about theh restoration and people all bore testimony of what they felt about the movie. When it came down to the family of JW the dad looked at his hands then back up at everyone and said "I only know these two boys for three days.. and Ive only heard a little... but I love what I hear... I.. I feel like I was in the same situation as Joseph.. I.. I didnt know where to go for the truth.. and I think that God has shown me."

We were all like... woah. 

So yeah! My Companion is awesome. He is a runner!!! we are like UNITED!!! :D:D we are different types of people but we are united in our work and its soo AWESOME!

Mom and Dad I love you two a ton. I dont have the words to tell you all about whats going on here I wish I could! I am praying everyday to gain the knowledge and testimony I need to have the power God wants me to use as I teach His Children.

I am in alma 13 for my read the book of mormon allthe way through exp and then I will put to the test the promise of the Prophet Moroni. Dad. Thank you for your story It was what I needed to hear.

I feel so cool having alll these missionaries in my family!! I am so happy to hear about trey and everything he is learning Here are my answers.

"anywayssss...... sleep is good, focus is better, spirit is best, so sleep to focus on the spirit when you are awake. I know my district has problems focusing sometimes so we just pull up a conference talk on the computer and get the spirit, then the focus comes and I sleep easier at night."

You are you inteligent cookie.

Elder Brooksby, our sleep schedule will be screwed when we get home....


President, we aren't perfect missionaries. We don't have all the smarts or the connections or the money to get the word out as fast as many others can. It's like you said, if we were a company, we would be SO unprofitable. But that doesn't matter!! We're doing the Lord's work, and we can expect and rely on Him to guide us to those He's prepared. Just like Nephi told his brothers- (I paraphrase :) 
"Yeah, Laman has got fifties and hundreds to his army. And yes, there are only four of us here. But when we're working with the Lord, there's no number that can stop us when we're doing His work."
Moroni quoted Christ when he said, "If ye will have faith in me, ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me." -Moroni 7:33
I think that's one of my favorite verse now. I'm really seeing that come to pass. And we can see more and more miracles happen as we're sincerely trying to be His hands-giving all of what we have to help Him!
I needed to hear this. Thanks for answering prayer

Love you alll
Elder Brooksby

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Time goes by... I look back and think.. wow.

Well... I guess this was a really great week. 
I cleaned our house on tuesday right before we had inspections. It took about 4 hours. 1 Bottle of bleach. 4 towels. and lotso f yelling at the other 3 Elders to do work :P
OUr whole house was a wreck (since I got there it was,a nd we have NO time todeep clean) so I was super happy to clean it all out! Our inspectors got there and it was the couple that was serving with me in Beja! :D So they were like... Elder BRooksby.. Did you clean the whole house? (Because they know me..) and I was like... Noo... Elder Lee organised the books on that shelf! hahahaha and Elder Lee was like... Grinning he was so proud hahahahahahahahaha.

It was good.

This week in Coimbra there was this party thing that last 3 days and on the last day is free beer and food. We were pretty restricted in the work we could do..... (My ideas of preaching on rooftops were shot down... :( )
Haha but we still had a great week! The HIGHLIGHT was as you see the baptism of xxxx! The coolest kid I have meet here on the mission. He prayed last saturday that Heavenly Father would give him more understanding to be able to memorise all the scriptures so he could be an Elder some day! 

Weve been seeing some great changes in the lives of people too. 

We had a pretty sacred exp here.

The first day when I got here in Coimbra we went to visit a recent convert, as we entered the house I felt SUPER strong all the sudden and after talking with her a while we discovered that she needed a new work. Really badly.

We shared a scripture about when we ask Heavenly Father for help and with faith, obeying his commandments, He WILL help us.

Before leaving I felt powerfully to kneel and say the last prayer. I offered up the faith of those in the room and asked my Father that he would bless this RC with work.

The next week as Elder Lee and I were starving looking for new investigators we said a prayer that we could find something to eat. (we had no money) as we walked I saw a man carring like 100 bags and we offered help. He denied and continued to walk.. then stopped and turened to look at us.
" Do you two want an orange?" he asked. Elder Lee and I look at eachother. then back at the man. "Yes! Thankyou!!" 
A few other exp like that happend as well.

Anyways that day or the next we went to visit this RC, we told her about our exp and testified that she would get her answer.

We got a call this week and answering to a screaming RC "I got a new job!! I get sundays off and it pays really great!!" She was sooo happy! We went and taught a lesson about Jesus Christ the next day... Then I saw her faith jump. I saw her whole countance change. She much like xxxx turned to us and said "I need faith.. I Need Jesus Christ!" She was so happy and I saw the light enter in her soul. That Daughter of God is on her path back home :)



xxxx is awesome. This week we have NOTHING to do... All our investigators are dropped or... dropped.

Anyways. Talk to you all laet!

Elder Brooksby out