Monday, April 30, 2012

Well it has been over a week that Elder Brooksby has been in the MTC.  We have had 2 letters and one email.  I am so happy for him.  He is really enjoying his time there and has been blessed with amazing roommates and companion.  I will be posting his "group email" here whenever he sends them out and then some other things that I feel like sharing about the family here without him.

His spirit is in the work of the Lord and I am floating.  The blessing that I am getting right now is without measure.
ok done.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hello all!
Today is my first attempt to post anything anywhere.  sooooo.... let try this out.
I am Elder Tyson Brooksby's Mom.  I am going to be sharing the fun events (and maybe some of the not so fun events) that happens to this amazing Missionary.  I am going to post letters and pictures as I get them so look forward to that as well as my own observations (and those of the rest of the Brooksby clan). Please continue to send thoughts and prayers on his behalf, we are already experiencing an amazing spiritual boost in our lives.
Thanks again... and Let the Adventure begin...